ElPozo BienStar promotes healthy habits among visitors of the Expomed Salud Fair


ElPozo Alimentación is taking part this weekend in the healthy lifestyle fair Expomed Salud, with the aim of promoting more balanced food habits among visitors and letting people know the properties of the BienStar range.

The brand is present with a stand of more than 80 m2, manned by two nutritionists, where a broad programme of activities will be run. Today, more than 300 school pupils aged between 6 and 12 years old are taking part in the activity ‘Your healthy breakfast’, to learn the importance of this habit and the food which should be included, such as a dairy product, a piece of fruit and a sandwich.

The company has also organised talks aimed at the general public, designed to break some myths about food and intolerances, propose new healthy ideas for meals, or suggest new routines which allow us to have a healthier lifestyle.

This initiative is part of the plan of actions that ElPozo Alimentación is running, aimed at promoting healthy food habits and sport.

ElPozo BienStar is the brand of healthy meat products which more households buy in Spain, as it is present in one out of four homes, according to the latest household survey done by the consultancy Kantar.

It is the most complete range of products with an optimised nutritional profile, making it ideal so that all the family can enjoy a healthy and balanced lifestyle, without giving up the best flavour.
