Juan Pedro Florido, among the best pig analysts


The Operations Director of El Pozo is the only professional to have been recognised for eleven years with the PronosPorc award, the most prestigious award in the Spanish pig sector price market

The Operations Director of El Pozo Alimentación, Juan Pedro Florido, has won a new silver PronosPorc award, in the fattened pig category, making him one of the best analysts in the Spanish pig market in the last decade, with six gold and five silver awards.  PronosPorc is the most prestigious prize in the Spanish pig sector price market, awarded by Mercolleida.

The Operations Director of El Pozo, where he has been working for more than 30 years, is one of the most representative and influential people in the European pig industry and in pig farming thanks to his experience and knowledge of the white pig market. A quintessential conciliator and a person of recognised ability to reach positive agreements for all parties, Florido is the professional most lauded for his achievement of successes and knowledge of the pig market.

Juan Pedro is Chairman of meat products of the Spanish National Association of Meat Industries (ANICE [Asociación Nacional de Industrias de la Carne de España]); Vice-Chairman of the pork inter-professional organisation INTERPORC; and member of the National Pig Price Board.  Until two years ago, Florido held various positions in different EU forums and organisations such as Chairman of CDG Animal Products-Pig Meat Sector in the European Commission; Chairman of the European Meat Network (EMN); and representative of the Spanish meat industry in EUCBV, in Brussels.

Mercolleida is the agricultural and livestock market that issues weekly prices for the different categories of pigs. The most representative producers and slaughterhouses of the Spanish pig sector meet and analyse the market situation so that Mercolleida can establish the weekly price that best reflects reality. This reference price is used by the sector and sets the trend in all other European and international markets.
